US Navy SE Regional Maintenance Center (SERMC)

ACG provides professional services to the US Navy Southeast Regional Maintenance Center (SERMC) engineering and contract department at Mayport, FL. ACG performs tasks, managing and performing the data entry and database updates in Supervisory variety Desk (SUPDESK), Navy Maintenance Database (NMD), TAAS-Info and Business Objects tools.
Arkansas Army National Guard

Provided coordinating support to the Arkansas Army National Guard. Worked directly with Emergency Management performing liaison duties associated with planning, project assignments, coordinating efforts between agencies as well as information security, internal communications, training exercises
Constructions Systems Associates (CSA), Inc.

The services provided by Ardmore Consulting Group, as a sub-contractor to CSA over the past several years include Involvement in the Development and Product Management of many CSA Software Modules
Kentucky Army National Guard

Provide Program Coordinator services to the Kentucky Army National Guard for the Intrastate Transfer (IST) / Reserve Component Transition (RCT) Program
NAVFAC Southeast

ACG provides professional services to the US Navy Southeast Regional Maintenance Center (SERMC) engineering and contract department at Mayport, FL. ACG performs tasks, managing and performing the data entry and database updates in Supervisory variety Desk (SUPDESK), Navy Maintenance Database (NMD), TAAS-Info and Business Objects tools.
Fort Gordon

Provided coordinating support to the Arkansas Army National Guard. Worked directly with Emergency Management performing liaison duties associated with planning, project assignments, coordinating efforts between agencies as well as information security, internal communications, training exercises
mCloud Technologies

The services provided by Ardmore Consulting Group, as a sub-contractor to CSA over the past several years include Involvement in the Development and Product Management of many CSA Software Modules

Provide Program Coordinator services to the Kentucky Army National Guard for the Intrastate Transfer (IST) / Reserve Component Transition (RCT) Program